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Career Profiles

Clinical Roles

Primary Care Registered Nurse

Primary Care Registered Nurses provide comprehensive nursing services to the patient population in physician clinics. Primary Registered Care Nurses assess, manage, and support patients. They direct patients to the care they need, from the appropriate health professional or program, freeing up physician time to meet the increased medical needs of our community. Primary Care Registered Nurses work to full scope of practice with an emphasis on providing comprehensive care and education and a focus on chronic disease management.

Licensed Practical Nurse

Licensed Practical Nurses work with physicians and other health professionals to provide a high quality of evidence-based health care to CWC PCN’s patient population. They have the knowledge, skill, judgment, and abilities to contribute in all phases of the continuum of care, from prevention to acute treatment and management to long-term and palliative care.

Primary Care Registered Psychologist

Primary Care Registered Psychologists (PCRPs) work with patients to address a wide range of mental health concerns with the goals of early identification, quick resolution, long-term prevention, and health promotion. As part of an interprofessional healthcare team, PCRPs collaborate, innovate, and support Patients’ Medical Homes within the CWC PCN.

Social Worker

Social Workers are involved in the provision of services to clients and families including psychosocial assessment, crisis intervention, education, treatment, advocacy, finding resources, consulting, making appropriate referrals, and liaising with community agencies/programs.

Clinical Support Roles

Patient Care Coordinator

Patient Care Coordinators support physician members in the coordination of planned care aimed at improving disease screening and treatment. They work within an integrated and coordinated care delivery team to positively impact the health of clinic patients, including those patients who are not actively seeking care, through evidence-based preventative health promotion strategies. The objective of this increased focus is to enhance the patient’s quality of healthcare while supporting the day-to-day function of the clinic.

Health Information Coordinator

The Health Information Coordinator (HIC) supports physicians and PMH team members in Electronic Medical Records (EMR)/data management and the implementation of projects aimed at improving overall patient outcomes. The specific nature of their work is determined by the PMH projects being undertaken. The HIC coordinates health information by using clinical practice guidelines and assists the PMH team in providing robust quality information to physician members to support the medical home.

Medical Office Assistant

Medical Office Assistants provide administrative support to the CWC PCN clinical team and play a key role in the organization and flow of clinic operations.

Physician Liaison

Physician Liaisons work with CWC PCN members through the promotion, facilitation and enhancement of CWC PCN programs and services. To do this, Physician Liaisons develop strong working relationships and must ensure regular contact with physicians and clinic staff. They must be familiar with the needs of the primary care physicians, as well as have knowledge of current provincial initiatives, the political environment, and the primary care landscape. Physician Liaisons support member physicians by having a strong understanding of the programs and services that are offered by the CWC PCN and provide relevant and timely information. The Physician Liaisons are the point of contact that all member physicians and potential member physicians will have for any concerns or inquiries.


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Career Profiles